WK Landmeters / WK Land Surveyors
WK Landmeters / WK Land Surveyors
Ons doen bakenherplasings, onderverdelings, konsolidasies, deeltitel planne, serwituut kaarte, kontoerplanne en ingenieursopmetings.
Beacon relocations, subdivisions, consolidations, sectional title plans, servitude diagrams, contour plans and engineering surveys.
Land surveyor in Stilbaai, Mosselbaai, George
- Beacon relocation
- Subdivisions
- Consolidations
- Sectional title plans
- Servitude diagrams
- Contour plans
- Engineering surveys
Hennie Barnard BSc Geomatics (UCT) Pr.L(SA), Pr.M SAGI 1114
Office: 081 391 4429
Cell: 084 616 9980
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Vir meer info besoek direk hul Webtuiste, kliek hier.
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