Van Schalkwyk Vervoer & Konstruksie
Van Schalkwyk Vervoer & Konstruksie – Earthworks Company
Owners of a variety of earthmoving machinery, demolition equipment as well as trucks. Van Schalkwyk Vervoer & Konstruksie rents out their machinery, along with their operators, for commercial and civil earthmoving projects. In addition they supply and deliver quality construction sand and gravel. They offer their services to customers throughout Hessequa and Kannaland.
Van Schalkwyk Transport and Construction
This Cartage and Construction Company was established more than two decade ago and has since developed into a company to reckon with. Their offices are on the western side of the Goukou River in Stilbaai, along Main Road (no. 183) and in close proximity of the Village Square.
Although their offices are in Stilbaai, their work area covers the entire Hessequa region as well as Kannaland. This includes towns like Riversdale, Stilbaai, Jongensfontein, Albertinia, Heidelberg, Gouritsmond and Witsand, along with the surrounding areas. It also includes towns and surrounding areas like Calitzdorp, Vanwyksdorp, Ladismith and Zoar.
Van Schalkwyk Transport & Construction offers competitive prices together with excellent service, and is dedicated to its customers. These include building contractors, road construction companies, property developers, and the like.
Van Schalkwyk Vervoer & Konstruksie in Stilbaai – Services
Suppliers of Sand and Gravel/Crushed Stone in Hessequa and Kannaland
They supply, as well as deliver, quality building material:
• Building sand
• Filling sand
• Crusher dust/stone dust (cost effective material used for filling, also for stabilising surfaces)
• 13mm and also 19mm crushed stone or gravel
• Construction sand graded G2, G4, G5, G6 as well as G7
Earth Moving Equipment Rental or Plant Hire in Hessequa and Kannaland
Have some earthwork to do? Van Schalkwyk Vervoer & Konstruksie hires out powerful earthmoving and demolition machinery and equipment, operators included. Their equipment is perfect for large industrial earthmoving projects as well as smaller privately or publicly owned commercial projects.
Their large and powerful earthwork machinery are designed and built for forceful and heavy labour such as excavations and trenching. Also for demolitions, removal of heavy loads of rubble, unearthed vegetation and rocks, as well as preparation for road construction, etc.
Their fleet of heavy duty equipment includes machinery such as bulldozers, digger-loaders, excavators, rear-end tippers, side tippers, dumpers, graders, etc. To transport the heavy, slow moving machinery like excavators and bulldozers to and from the site, they make use of their flat-bed goose-neck trailer.
Typical earthmoving activities Van Schalkwyk Vervoer & Konstruksie is hired for:
• Moving significant amounts of dirt, soil, sand, rocks and debris
• Excavating as well as trenching, e.g. foundations, holes, dams, roads, pipelines
• Clearing and preparing surfaces for road construction
• Also clearing and preparing surfaces for sport-grounds or parking lots
• Earthworks on large construction sites
• Land clearing and preparation of plots for building in residential areas
• Restoring or smoothing worn dirt road surfaces
• Demolition/wrecking of unwanted structures
• Removal of bulk heavy building rubble as well as excavated soil and debris from sites to be dumped elsewhere
• Carting loads of loose construction materials like sand and gravel around on a construction site
• And so much more
Clearly earthmoving is their thing, so let them move the earth for you. Contact them for a quote today!
Tel: 028 754 3320
Cell: 082 533 9637
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183 Main Rd
Still Bay West
Still Bay
Van Schalkwyk Vervoer en Konstruksie in Hessequa en Kannaland
Hierdie grondverskuiwingsbesigheid het reeds meer as twee dekades gelede ontstaan en het sedertdien so gegroei, dat dit nou 'n gerekende besigheid is. Hulle kantore is aan die westekant van die Goukou-rivier in Stilbaai, langs Hoofweg-Wes (nr 183) baie naby die Dorpsplein.
Van Schalkwyk Vervoer en Konstruksie in Stilbaai – Dienste
Verskaffers van Sand en Gruis in Hessequa en Kannaland
Hulle verskaf kwaliteit boumateriaal en lewer dit af ook:
• Bousand
• Vulsand
• Klipstof (crusher dust) – ekonomiese materiaal vir opvulling en so ook die stabilisering van oppervlaktes
• 13mm en 19mm gruisklip
• Konstruksiesand, graderings G2, G4, G5, G6 en G7
Verhuring van Grondverskuiwingsmasjinerie in Hessequa en Kannaland
Het jy grondwerke om te doen? Van Schalkwyk Vervoer & Konstruksie verhuur kragtige grondverskuiwings- en slopingsmasjinerie en -toerusting, insluitende die operateurs. Hulle toerusting is perfek vir groot industriële grondverskuiwingsprojekte, maar so ook kleiner projekte van besighede in privaat- of openbare besit.
Hulle groot en kragtige grondwerkmasjinerie is ontwerp en gebou vir harde, taai werk soos uitgrawings en die grawe van slote. Ook slopings, verwydering van swaar vragte rommel, ontwortelde plante en klippe, voorbereiding van grond vir padkonstruksie en so meer.
Van Schalkwyk Vervoer & Konstruksie besit 'n hele vloot van swaardiens masjinerie soos stootskrapers en laaigrawe. Ook masjiengrawe, stootskrapers, stortkarre, sy-wiptrokke, agter-wiptrokke, en so meer. Om die swaar, stadig bewegende masjienerie soos stootskrapers en laaigrawe na en van die perseel te vervoer, maak hulle gebruik van hulle platbed-gansnek-sleepwa.
Tipiese Grondverskuiwingsaktiwiteite waarvoor Van Schalkwyk Vervoer & Konstruksie gehuur word:
• Verskuiwing van groot hoeveelhede grond, sand, klippe en vuilgoed
• Uitgrawings en slootgrawings, vir bv. fondasies, gate, damme, paaie, pyplyne, en so meer
• Padkonstruksiewerk
• Voorbereiding van sportgronde, parkeerareas en so meer
• Grondvoorbereiding op groot konstruksiepersele
• So ook skoonmaak en voorbereiding van erwe
• Skraap van beskadigde grondpaaie
• Sloping/demolisie van ongewenste strukture
• Verwydering van groot hoeveelhede swaar rommel en uitgegraafde grond na stortingsplekke
• Rondkarwei van vragte los kontruksiemateriaal soos sand of gruis op 'n konstruksieperseel.
• En nog baie meer
Grondverskuiwing is duidelik hulle ding, so laat hulle die grond vir jou kom rondskuif. Kontak Van Schalkwyk Vervoer en Konstruksie vir 'n kwotasie vandag nog!
Tel: 028 754 3320
Cell: 082 533 9637
[av_button label='If on Mobile - Click to Dial' link='manually,tel:0287543320' size='medium' position='left' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-pxodt2']
183 Main Rd
Still Bay West
Still Bay