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Susan Roos Juwele Stilbaai / Susan Roos Jewellery Still Bay

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Susan Roos Juwele Stilbaai / Susan Roos Jewellery Still Bay
Susan Roos offers an assortment of jewellery such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, watches, earrings and ornamental pins. Her focus is on handcrafting rings, but can also make other items on request. She can design anything from daring and eye-catching to small and ladylike. Susan is a very skilled and qualified Gold- & Silversmith located in Stilbaai.


Prices varies depending on the size, type and material used to create the masterpiece. Susan Roos is well known for her quality, service and prices. Whether you want something special made or just looking for some beautiful jewellery, Susan Roos Jewellery is the place for you.

The Juwellery is located in the Fynbos Centre, next to the Fynbos Pharmacy in Still Bay West.


Info about Susan Roos Jewellery
Susan Roos, the jeweller, is a very qualified Goldsmith with more than 35 years of experience to offer. Over the years she has expanded her own range of jewellery and handmade items into a well known brand. She is well known for the design and manufacturing of custom rings and juwellery. Clients all over South Africa makes use of her expertice and service. You can also choose one of her designs and add your own stone and creativity to it. Depending on the metal, she can even rebuild your ring. If you only need to clean your jewellery, Susan Roos Jewellery can do that too. Her jewellery ranges from necklaces, bracelets, earrings to ornamental pins, watches and rings. With the appropriate care, her jewellery could last you a lifetime.


How to order your dream ring?
It doesn’t matter where in the country you are, you can order from Susan Roos Jewellery. Just remember to specify your ring size. For more info, examples or to go ahead and order visit their Website directly at Susan Roos Juwele in Stilbaai


You can also place orders via Facebook by sending them a message on ‘Susan Roos Juwele’ or you can email them on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Alternatively, you can send them a WhatsApp message on 076 873 8240.


Susan Roos Jewellery – Rings and Other Jewellery
Not only do they create modern and tasteful rings for ladies and gents, but also designs and manufactures matching rings for couples.


This jewellery store has rings you can wear every day. Wedding rings for the wedded pair, special anniversaries and special occasions. To spoil a loved one, a special gift can be made by the jeweller or bought from the store. They also have birthstone rings, antique rings, signet rings and so much more.


Metals and Materials
Their jeweller works with Sterling Silver, 9 carat Yellow Gold, Rose Gold and White Gold. The Sterling Silver is used in different ways to build that exact look or product she imagined while designing the piece. She uses polished silver, oxidised silver or a combination of black and silver. Her designs often mixes different metals together. Other materials used is Morganite Nano crystal, Smoky Quartz, Labradorite, cubic Zirconia and stones of different sizes, shapes and colours.


Keep in mind that when using stones such as Diamonds, Sapphires, Emeralds and Rubies, the price will understandably increase but she invites you to get a quote by her first.


Designs, Settings, Shapes and Patterns

Ring settings
She designs around various ring settings such as tension, channel, flush and clam settings. Some remarkable pavé and halo settings for you to enjoy as well.

Precious Stones for engagement or wedding rings
Their stones come in several cuts such as the princess, radiant, round, heart, emerald, marquise and oval cuts.



Ring heads come in different shapes such as pear, heart, oval, scallop, round, square, hexagonal and octagonal.



Styles and shapes of shanks
They have an assortment of styles like split shanks, twisted, tapered, straight, knife-edge, bypass and pinched shanks. They also have ring shanks that varies in their shape, width and depth. Some of them have curves for comfort while others have a straighter fit.



Patterns used on jewellery
Their jeweller uses various detail such as wild vines, the famous fleur-de-lis as well as crosses. She also uses the Celtic knot, damask patterns, tiny studs, flower petals, curls, swirls, filigree, geometric shapes and waves. Some of her inspiration comes from the beautiful fynbos in Stilbaai.



Looks and vibes of designs
This jewellery store offers different designs ranging from simple and delicate to noticeable and dashing. Susan Roos likes to experiment with the contrasting effect of white shiny silver combined with darkened silver.

A Susan Roos Original is a must have!


Business Hours
Mon-Fri: 09h00 – 17h00
Sat: 09h00 – 13h00
Sun: Closed


If on Mobile - just click to dial Tel: 028 754 2949
1 Buitekant Street
Fynbos Centre
Stilbaai West

Susan Roos Juwele in Stilbaai


Susan Roos Juwele Stillbaai / Susan Roos Jewellery Still Bay

Susan Roos bied 'n verskeidenheid juwele soos ringe, halssnoere, armbande, horlosies, oorbelle en borsspelde. Haar fokus is op haar hand gemaakte ringe, maar kan natuurlik ook ander juwele op aanvraag vervaardig. Sy kan alles ontwerp vanaf groot en opvallend tot klein en fyn. Sy is bekend vir haar ontwerp en kwaliteit van elke meesterstuk.



Haar pryse wissel na gelang van die grootte, tipe en materiaal wat gebruik word om elke meesterstuk te skep. Hulle lewer uitstekende diens en kwalitiet sigbaar nie net in die juwele nie maar selfs in die verpakking en moeite wat hulle doen met die stuur van elke produk. Of jy nou iets spesiaals wil maak of net mooi juwele soek, Susan Roos Jewele is die plek vir jou.



Die winkel is geleë in die Fynbos Sentrum, 1 Buitekant Straat langs die Fynbos Apteek in Stilbaai-Wes.



Inligting oor Susan Roos Juwele

Susan Roos, die juwelier, is 'n gekwalifiseerde goudsmid met meer as 35 jaar se ervaring om aan te bied. Sy het al ‘n uitgebreide en bekende reeks juweliersware en handgemaakte juwele. Sy het ook onlangs meer begin fokus op die ontwerp en maak van ringe op versoek. Jy kan een van haar ontwerpe kies en jou eie steentjie en kreatiwiteit daarby voeg. Afhangend van die metaal, kan sy selfs jou ring herbou. Susan Roos bied ook n skoonmaak diens vir al jou juwele. Haar juweliersware wissel van halssnoere, armbande en oorbelle tot borsspelde, horlosies en ringe. Met die gepaste sorg kan haar juwele jou 'n leeftyd hou.



Hoe bestel jy daai droom verloor- of trouring?

Dit maak nie saak waar in die land jy is nie, jy kan by Susan Roos Jewele bestel. Onthou net om jou ringgrootte te spesifiseer.



Plaas bestellings op Facebook deur vir hulle 'n boodskap te stuur op 'Susan Roos Juwele' of jy kan dit per e-pos stuur na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Jy kan hulle ook kontak deur 'n WhatsApp-boodskap aan hulle te stuur op 076 873 8240. Of besoek hul direk op hul webtuiste - Susan Roos Juwele in Stilbaai




Susan Roos Juwele - Ringe en ander juweliersware


Hulle skep nie net moderne en smaakvolle ringe vir dames nie, maar bied ook bypassende ringe vir paartjies. Hulle ontwerp en vervaardig ook baie mooi juwele vir mans.



Buiten trouringe en verloofringe het hierdie juwelierswinkel ‘n groot reeks ringe wat jy elke dag kan dra. Om 'n geliefde te bederf, kan 'n spesiale geskenk deur die juwelier gemaak word of by die winkel gekoop word. Hulle het ook geboortesteenringe, antieke ringe, seëlringe en nog baie meer.



Metale en materiale vir Ringe

Hul juwelier werk met Sterling Silwer, 9 karaat Geelgoud, Roosgoud en Witgoud. Die Sterling Silwer word op verskillende maniere gebruik om die presiese unieke Susan Roos produkte te skep. Sy gebruik gepoleerde silwer, geoksideerde silwer, 'n kombinasie van swart en silwer en meng dikwels verskillende metale saam. Ander materiale wat gebruik word, is Morganite Nano-kristal, Rokerige Kwarts, Labradoriet, kubieke Zirkonia en klippe van verskillende groottes, vorms en kleure.
Hou in gedagte dat wanneer jy steentjies soos diamante, saffiere, smaragde en robyne gebruik, die prys verstaanbaar baie sal styg.



Ontwerpe, instellings, vorms en patrone



Ring instellings
Sy doen verskillende ringinstellings soos spanning, kanaal en vlak instellings. 'n Paar opmerklike pavé- en stralekrans-instellings wat jy ook kan geniet.

Hulle steentjies kom in verskillende snitte, soos die prinses, ronde, hart, smarag, markies en ovale snitte.



Ringkoppe kom in verskillende vorms voor, soos ‘n peer, hart, ovaal, ronde, vierkantig, seskantig en agtkantig.



Style en vorms van skenkels
Hulle het 'n verskeidenheid style soos gesplete, gedraaide, tapse, reguit, mesrand en geknypte skenkels. Hulle het ook ringskenkels wat in verskillende vorms, breedtes en dieptes kom. Sommige het kurwes vir gemak, terwyl ander reguit pas.

Interresante patrone wat op juwele gebruik word
Hul juwelier gebruik verskillende detail, soos wilde wingerdstokke, die beroemde fleur-de-lis sowel as kruise. Sy gebruik ook die Keltiese knoop, damastpatrone, klein knoppietjies, blomblare, krulle, warrels, filigraan, geometriese vorms en golwe. Haar inspirasie kom van die pragtige fynbos in Stilbaai.



Uiterlike voorkoms en gevoel
Hierdie juwelierswinkel bied verskillende ontwerpe, wat wissel van eenvoudig en fyn tot opvallend en aangenaam. Susan Roos speel graag met die kontrasterende effek van wit blink silwer gekombineer met donker silwer.



'n oorspronklike stuk van Susan Roos is 'n moet!


Ma-Vry: 09h00 - 17h00
Sa: 09h00 - 13h00
Son: Gesluit


As op n Mobiele aparaat - kliek om te lui.
1 Buitekant Straat
Fynbos Sentrum
Stilbaai Wes