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Social Welfare/Badisa

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Social Welfare-Badisa ( (Child Protection, Youth development, Family Care, Elderly Care, Health Care, Substance Dependency, Kinderbeskerming, Kinderontwikkeling, Dwelms)

BADISA Still Bay is a non-profit organization that provides professional social services, caring and development to those in need, regardless of their race or Religion. We service Still Bay, Jongensfontein, Melkhoutfontein and the surrounding rural area.

Badisa Stilbaai is 'n nie-winsgewinde organisasie wat professionele dienste lewer, wat omgee en ontwikkeling te weegbring vir persone in nood, ongeag hulle ras of geloof. Ons lewer dienste in Stilbaai, Jongensfontein,Melkhoutfontein en omliggende plaasgebiede.

Core Business & Values
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Badisa is a social welfare organisation based of faith that provides professional social services. The organisation was started as an extension of the Dutch Reformed Church (Western and Southern Cape) and the Uniting Reformed Church of South Africa (Cape) and has grown to provide these services in partnership with various stakeholders, including local and provincial government, the corporate sector as well as other non-profit organisations.
Badisa is the welfare services' arm of the church and supports them in serving those in need. Even though the organisation is guided by four core Christian values it is a very inclusive organisation, providing social services to ALL in need, irrespective of their age, gender, nationality or religion.
Badisa is a registered non-profit organisation (NPO 011-891) and a public benefit organisation (PBO 930 006 348) and is committed to sustainable community development through 152 community based programs in the Western, Northern and Eastern Cape. The community based programs receive guidance from a management arm in terms of policies, human resources, financial advice, management and the overall management of programs to ensure government and other compliance and good corporate governance, supervision, consultation and practice leadership.
BADISA aims to
• -aid congregations in their ministry for poverty and care, through the development and strengthening of the congregational diaconate;
• -develop social services programs and community development programs in communities. These services include community development work, social work and/or residential care programs.

Christian Compassion - We are a neighbour of everyone in need.
• BADISA as ministry of compassion for the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa (Western and Southern Cape) and the Uniting Reformed Church (Cape Province) is value-driven with Jesus Christ as role model.
• In collaboration with congregations and other roleplayers BADISA as non-profit organisation:
o -Provides excellent professional, expert and support services to people and communities in need.
o -Establishes development programmes striving to enable consumers/clients to function optimally.
1. Commitment to serve:
• We serve people in need according to the example set by Jesus Christ, the great Compassionate.
• We strive to render a relevant, affordable quality service.
• We put the interests, rights and needs of the consumer/client first.
• Our service is accessible to all people, irrespective of race or religion.
2. Justice:
• We aim to treat everyone fairly and equally and avoid all forms of discrimination.
• Fellow-staff and consumers of the service will be treated with dignity and respect at all times.
• Corrections and adjustments will be done on merit and with the utmost
• transparency and accountability.
3. Excellence:
• We aim to provide the consumer/client with the absolute best service, and therefore all staff members will be worthy and loyal to their positions.
• We aim to render a quality service, which includes complying with due dates, ensuring correct documents and well-planned services.
• Our services will be relevant, sustainable and efficient.
• We will maintain a participatory management style and work together as a team on all levels of the organisation to create a positive spirit and culture.
• We will maintain effective communication on all levels of the organisation.
4. Stewardship:
• We will manage the people, finances and assets provided to BADISA responsibly and honestly.
• With a view to transparency we will be accountable for any information entrusted to us, to anyone who is entitled to.
• People, for instance staff members of the management board and volunteers, are encouraged to take personal responsibility for their actions in the execution of their respective functions/tasks.
• We will act with integrity at all times.

Kernbesigheid & waardes
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BADISA is 'n kerk-gebaseerde maatskaplike-diensorganisasie wat dienste lewer in die Wes-, Noord- en Oos-Kaap met die fokus op die versorging, ontwikkeling en behandeling van mense in armoede en in nood, ongeag ras, geslag of geloof.
BADISA het ten doel om
• gemeentes by te staan in hulle barmhartigheidsbediening deur die ontwikkeling en versterking van die gemeentediakonaat,
• maatskaplikediensprogramme en gemeenskapsontwikkelingsprogramme in gemeenskappe te ontwikkel. Hierdie dienste sluit gemeenskapsontwikkelingswerk-, maatskaplikewerk- en/of residensiële sorgprogramme in.
Visie Christelike Barmhartigheid – ons is 'n naaste van elkeen in nood.
BADISA as die barmhartigheidsbediening van NG Kerk (Wes- en Suid-Kaap) en VG Kerk (Kaapland) is waardegedrewe met Jesus Christus as voorbeeld.
BADISA is 'n organisasie sonder winsoogmerk wat in samewerking met gemeentes en ander rolspelers:
• Uitnemende professionele -, vakkundige - en ondersteuningsdiens aan mense en gemeenskappe in nood lewer.
• Ontwikkelingsprogramme daarstel wat ten doel het om verbruikers/kliënte in staat te stel om optimaal te funksioneer.

1. Diensbaarheid:
• Ons lewer diens aan mense in nood na die voorbeeld van Jesus Christus, die groot Barmhartige.
• Streef daarna om 'n relevante, bekostigbare kwaliteit diens te lewer.
• Ons stel die verbruiker/kliënt se belange, regte en nood eerste.
• Ons diens is toeganklik vir alle mense ongeag ras of godsdiens.
2. Geregtigheid:
• Ons wil almal billik en regverdig behandel en alle vorme van diskriminasie vermy.
• Mede-personeel en verbruikers van die diens sal te alle tye met waardigheid en respek behandel word.
• Regstellings en aanpassings sal altyd met die grootste verantwoordbaarheid, deursigtigheid en op meriete geskied.
3. Uitnemendheid:
• Ons wil die heel beste diens vir die verbruiker/kliënt bied, daarom sal elke personeellid hul pos waardig en getrou wees.
• Ons wil kwaliteitdiens lewer wat onder andere behels dat keerdatums nagekom, dokumente goed versorg en dienste goed beplan word.
• Ons dienste sal relevant, volhoubaar en doeltreffend wees.
• Ons sal 'n deelnemende bestuurstyl handhaaf en in 'n span saamwerk in alle vlakke van die organisasie om sodoende 'n positiewe gees en kultuur te skep.
• Ons sal effektiewe kommunikasie op alle vlakke van die organisasie handhaaf.

4. Rentmeesterskap:
• Ons sal die mense, finansies en bates wat tot BADISA se beskikking gestel word, verantwoordelik en eerlik bestuur.
• Ons sal ter wille van deursigtigheid rekenskap gee oor inligting wat aan ons toevertrou is, aan enigeen wat daarop geregtig is.
• Op alle vlakke van die organisasie word persone, byvoorbeeld personeel, beheerraadslede en vrywilligers, aangemoedig om persoonlike verantwoordelikheid te neem vir hul optredes in die uitvoering van hul onderskeie funksies/take.
• Ons sal te alle tye met integriteit optree.