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Construction Dynamics – Builders in George

Construction Dynamis Project and Site Management

Construction Dynamics – Builders in George

Project and Site Management Building Company in George specialising in construction as well as property development. Construction Dynamics is up for any building project, building of new house, restorations or renovations.

Due to the over 26 years’ experience gained in the construction business, Leon the owner has built himself an excellent reputation. As a building project manager as well as a builder. Construction Dynamics is registered with the NHBRC and Leon Kruger has a Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering.

They are located in Still Bay but their services are available throughout the Garden Route, towns like George, Mossel Bay and Wilderness. They invite you to contact them for a free quote and receive the best possible prices.

Construction Dynamics – Services

• Project & Site Management – Helping other builders with site management, cost planning, time management as well as health and safety protocols. Managing any construction project and updating their clients regularly.
• Building and Construction – Available for both residential as well as commercial projects, no matter the size. They do it all, from planning and building to providing a turnkey property service. In addition, they take on any extra construction projects like changes to existing properties as well as adding to existing properties. As a matter of fact, Construction Dynamics even handles the maintenance of any building/property.
• Other Building Related Activities – Leon and his team can do almost anything. Masonry work, installations of plumbing and electrical wiring systems as well as foundation work. Furthermore, they do floor and ceiling installations, plaster and paintwork, roofing, carpentry, garage, door and water tank installations, concrete work, glazing and stonework. They have a well-qualified team providing all the main services as required in the building profession.

So, are you looking for a builder with market related prices, a professional team that strives for perfection and quality project management? Then Construction Dynamics if for you!

Leon Kruger
Sel: 082 335 0747
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Construction Dynamics – Bouers of Boukontrakteurs in George

Boukontrakteurs, Projek- en terreinbestuur maatskappy in Geroge wat spesialiseer in konstruksie sowel as eiendomsontwikkeling. Construction Dynamics is gereed vir enige bouprojek, nuwe huise, aanbouings of gebou instandhouding.

Weens die meer as 26 jaar ervaring wat hy in die boubedryf opgedoen het, het die eienaar, Leon Kruger, 'n uitstekende reputasie opgebou. As 'n bouprojekbestuurder sowel as 'n bouer. Construction Dynamics is geregistreer by die NHBRC en Leon besit 'n Hoër Diploma in Siviele Ingenieurswese.

Hulle is in George geleë, maar hul dienste is beskikbaar vir ander Garden Route-gebiede soos Mosselbaai, en Wilderness. Kontak hul gerus vir 'n gratis kwotasie asook die beste moontlike pryse.

Construction Dynamics – Boukontrakteurs en Instandhoudings Dienste

• Projek- en Terreinbestuur – Hul help ander bouers met terreinbestuur, kostebeplanning, tydsbestuur sowel as gesondheids- en veiligheidsprotokolle. Construction Dynamics hanteer ook die bestuur van enige bouprojek en die opdatering van hul kliënte gereeld.
• Bou en Konstruksiewerk – Aanbouings en Restorasies
• Beskikbaar vir residensiële sowel as kommersiële projekte, ongeag die grootte. Hulle doen alles, van beplanning en bou tot die verskaffing van 'n volledige eiendom. Boonop verskaf hul dienste, soos veranderinge aan bestaande eiendomme,sowel as byvoeging tot bestaande eiendomme. Construction Dynamics behartig selfs die instandhouding van enige gebou/eiendom.
• Ander Bou Verwante Aktiwiteite - Leon beskik oor n gekwalifiseerde span en lewer n wye diens. Messelwerk, installasies van loodgieterswerk en elektriese bedradingstelsels asook fondamentwerk. Verder doen hulle vloer teëlwerk en plafoninstallasies, alle verfwerk, dakwerk, houtwerk, motorhuis-, deur- en watertenkinstallasies, betonwerk, beglazing en klipwerk.

Soek jy 'n bouer met markverwante pryse, 'n professionele span wat streef na perfeksie en kwaliteit projekbestuur? Dan is Construction Dynamics vir jou!

Leon Kruger
Sel: 082 335 0747
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