Riversdal Dierekliniek / Riversdale Animal Clinic
Riversdal Dierekliniek / Riversdale Animal Clinic ( Veearts, Veterinarian )
Basic Services: Microchipping, herd health, herd inspections, spays, castrations, dental cleaning, veterinary services, equine movement permits, African Horse Sickness testing, equine surgery, Horse Passports, companion animal surgery, exotic animal health, veterinary x-rays.
Veterinarian services for dogs, cats, horses, game, sheep, spays and castrations as well as dog food and cat food, flea collars, etc.
Outstanding medical services in Riversdale for animals, small and large, tame as well as wild all through Hessequa, including Still Bay and Heidelberg.
They offer comprehensive veterinarian services to a wide range of animals from dogs, cats, birds, to horses, game as well as production animals like sheep, cattle, chickens, pigs etc. When necessary, X-rays can be taken to examine problems like hip dysplasia or fractures. They will also clean your dog's teeth or extract a tooth when necessary.
In addition they do blood analysis to identify illnesses as well as treat bite wounds, skin conditions and fractures. They also do operations/surgery as well as vaccinations and clean dog and cat ears.
At their consulting rooms is of course a comfortable waiting room with chairs. They also supply accessories and needs for animals such as leashes, toys, beds, brushes, shampoo, winter coats, flea collars and tablets as well as deworming pills. In addition they also carry animal food like dog pellets and cat pellets, in various quantities.
Bring your animal to Riversdale Animal Clinic / Dierekliniek for spaying as well as castration.
Although all three doctors do a bit of everything, each one has a special area in which he works.
Riversdal Dierekliniek / Animal Clinic
Dié veeartse in Riversdal vir diere klein en groot, regdeur Hessequa, insluitende Stilbaai en Heidelberg.
Hulle verskaf mediese dienste aan 'n wye verskeidenheid diere. Soos honde, katte, voëls, tot perde, wild, asook produksiediere soos skape, beeste, hoenders, varke ens.
By hulle spreekkamers is daar 'n gemaklike wagkamer met stoele. Hulle verskaf ook bybehore en benodigdhede vir diere soos leibande, dierespeelgoed, slaapmandjies. Hulle verkoop ook hondeborsels, sjampoo, ontwurmingspille, vlooibande, vlooipille en hondejassies. Ook verskillende dierekosse soos hondepille en katpille, in verskillende hoeveelhede.
Bring jou troeteldier na Riversdal Dierekliniek / Animal Clinic om gesteriliseer te word.
Monday-Friday: 08h00-17h00
Saturday: 09h00-11h00
Dj Malherbe Building ( Tuinroete Agric Perseel )
Ladismith Road
Dr Jako Du Plessis (Veterinarian / Veearts)
Tel: 028 713 1123
Fax: 028 7131124
After Hours: 079 264 1329
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