Suid-Kaap Karweiers
Suid-Kaap Karweiers (Busdienste, Toere-vervoer, Skoolbus, Pendeldiens Lughawe, Bus services, School bus, Taxi, Organized tours, Airport Shuttle)
Suid-Kaap Karweiers Still Bay / Suidkaap Karweiers Stilbaai
A shuttle service between towns, school bus service, taxi, as well as airport shuttle. Pendeldiens, skoolbus, toergroepe asook ‘n lughawe pendeldiens.
This transport service originated in the early 1980s with the identification of a lack of public transport in the Still Bay area. The first route was between Still Bay and Melkhoutfontein at 50c a trip!
By 2013, Suid-Kaap Karweiers has in fact, grown to ten vehicles and nine staff members of which two are joint directors. They are very aware of the fact that they are of course, transporting the most precious cargo in the world, namely people.
From their humble start as a daily school bus, their services have expanded to a shuttle service between Still Bay, Melkhoutfontein and Riversdale. In addition they offer a shuttle service to the airport in George. Furthermore they transport organised groups and tourists any place in the Western Cape as well as all over South Africa. They also offer taxi services.
Although someone else is currently offering the service, they were the people who initiated the night bus during the December holidays. This was in essence, with the aim of bringing people safely home after partying at the night clubs.
Pendeldiens Stilbaai
Suid-Kaap Karweiers het in die vroeë tagtigs ontstaan nadat ‘n gebrek aan openbare vervoer tussen Stilbaai en Melkhoutfontein uitgewys is. Hulle begin met een bus. Teen 2013 het hulle gegroei tot 10 voertuie en nege personeellede.
Eers was hulle hoofsaaklik ‘n skoolbusdiens tussen Stilbaai/Melkhoutfontein en Riversdal. Intussen het hulle so gegroei dat hulle vandag ook pendeldienste tussen hierdie dorpe bied, asook na die lughawe by George.
Verder vervoer hulle ook georganiseerde groepe en toeriste oral in die Wes-Kaap en ook die hele Suid-Afrika. Hulle lewer ook huurmotordienste.
Tel: 028 754 1004
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Cobus Cronje
Cell: 082 565 6802
Billy Pedro
Cell: 082 296 3912
Dean Kleinhans
Cell: 072 842 1463