Stilbaai Panelbeaters
Stilbaai Panelbeaters – Stilbaai Paneelkloppers
This trusty team of professional panel beaters are always ready to restore and fix your car! They specialize in auto body repair, spray painting, panel beating and auto rust removel. No matter what your car has been through, Stilbaai Panel Beaters will make it look brand new.
With an excellent, well trained staff and a magnificent workshop, fully equipped with all the latest, imported equiptment, Still Bay Panel Beaters promises superb service every time. This shop was founded in 2007 and has since build a reputation for their top quality panel beating work, as well as their all over services. Located in the industrial area of Stilbaai East, this shop services Jongensfontein, Melkhoutfontein, Still Bay and the surrounding area.
Services offered by Still Bay Panel Beaters:
This auto body repair shop offers a number of services, including:
• Chassis repair work and straightening
• All possible commercial auto body repairs
• Spray painting your vehicle
Their main suppliers are BASF Coating Services
They also do quotations on the Abuntex system – along with the authorisation to issue a lifetime warranty.
They offer a 2 year warranty on their workmanship
• Rust removal on vehicles – an absolute necessity in Stilbaai
• Furthermore they work with numerous insurance companies and carry out your insurance claims
o These companies include Santam Insurance, Mutual & Federal, Hollards Insurance and many more.
Give Stilbaai Panelbeaters a call today and drive home in a car that feels and looks brand new.
Hierdie getroue span paneelkloppers is altyd reg om jou kar weer soos nuut te laat lyk! Hulle doen voertuigspuitverf, duikkloppers, motorroes verwydering en bakherstelwerk. Maak nie saak hoe jou kar lyk nie, jy sal wegry van Stilbaai Paneelkloppers met 'n kar wat splinternuut lyk!
Met 'n uitmuntende, goed opgeleide span en 'n topgehalte werkswinkel – natuurlik ingerig met die nuutste toerusting en tegnologie – belowe Stilbaai Paneelkloppers die beste diens aan elke kliënt. Hierdie besigheid is gevind in 2007 en het deur die jare 'n reputasie opgebou van topgehalte kwaliteit duikkloppers, voertuigspuitverf en vele ander dienste. Hierdie werkswinkel kan gevind word in Stilbaai se Industriële gebied, geleë in Stilbaai Oos.
Dienste aangebied deur Stilbaai Paneelkloppers:
Hierdie bakherstelwerk besigheid bied 'n verskeidenheid dienste aan, insluitend:
• Bakwerk herstel
• Alle vorme van onderstel herstelwerk
• Spuitverf van jou voertuig
Hulle hoof verskaffer is BASF Coating Services
Hulle doen ook kwotasies op die Abuntex sisteem – in hierdie sisteem mag hulle aansoek doen vir 'n leeftyd waarborg
Verder bied hulle 'n twee jaar waarborg op alle diens wat hulle verskaf
• Roesverwydering op die bakwerk van voertuie
• Hulle werk ook met 'n verskeidenheid versekeringsmaatskappy en hanteer versekeringseiste vir jou
Hierdie versekeringsmaatskappye sluit in Santamversekering, Mutal & Fedral, Hollards en vele meer.
Besoek Stilbaai Paneelkloppers vandag en bestuur huis toe in 'n voertuig waarop jy trots is!
43B Steadfray Ave
Industrial Area
Stillbay East
Hein Hopley
Tel: 028 754 3378
Fax: 086 652 5926
Cell: 072 112 5729
E mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.