Breathing Space – Virtual and In Person Wellness and Personal Transformation Programmes
Breathing Space – Virtual and In Person Wellness and Personal Transformation Programmes
Located in Stilbaai, Western Cape, Breathing Space offers both in-person and virtual wellness and personal transformation programs. Their scientifically based tools aim to address anxiety, depression, stress, and trauma through mindfulness, breath work, and visualization techniques.
Though based in Stilbaai, their services extend globally through online classes and consultations. Those preferring face-to-face sessions can visit Breathing Space’s consulting room by contacting them for the precise location. Group classes are conducted in various studios, with venue details available upon inquiry.
Stay updated on upcoming events by visiting the Breathing Space Facebook page or website.
Types of Therapy Offered
- Occupational Therapy: Promotes fulfilling daily routines through a holistic approach.
- Play Therapy: Utilizes play to address children's psychological issues.
- Clinical Hypnotherapy: Utilizes hypnosis to help individuals understand and cope with difficult situations.
- Mindfulness Coaching: Enhances awareness of thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.
- Advanced Breath work Facilitation: Releases trapped memories and patterns through conscious breathing.
- Gentle Somatic Yoga: Welcomes all ages and abilities.
How It Works
- Group classes and workshops are available for both adults and children, with details posted on the Breathing Space Facebook page and website.
- Individual sessions, incorporating embodied movement, breath work, meditation, and mindfulness, are offered upon request for adults and children aged 6 and above.
- Programs typically last 8 weeks and are customizable to meet individual needs.
- Virtual consultations and corporate programs are also available.
The Therapist – Louise Heunis
Louise is a registered Occupational Therapist with the HPCSA, holding a degree from UFS and boasting 20 years of experience in addiction, psychiatry/wellness, and children's emotional problems. She has furthered her qualifications with courses in Mindfulness, Breath work, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Heal Your Life Facilitation, Trauma Therapy, Advanced Therapeutic Play Therapy, Emotional Intelligence, Tibetan Sound Healing, and Reiki.
With a belief in individualized care, Louise's passion lies in helping individuals overcome anxiety and depression to rediscover joy.
To commence your healing journey, reach out for a complimentary 30-minute virtual consultation.
Louise Heunis
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Breathing Space – Persoonlike Transformasie en Welstandsprogramme in Persoon en Aanlyn
Breathing Space, geleë in Stilbaai, Wes-Kaap, bied welstands- en persoonlike transformasieprogramme aan, beide aanlyn en in persoon, met die gebruik van wetenskaplik gebaseerde metodes. Die doel van hierdie programme is om angstigheid, depressie, stres en trauma te bestuur deur middel van 'n kombinasie van oplettendheid, asemhaling en visualisering.
Hoewel gebaseer in Stilbaai, is hul dienste beskikbaar regoor die wêreld, omdat hulle klasse aanlyn sowel as in persoon aanbied. Inwoners van Stilbaai, Jongensfontein en Melkhoutfontein wat verkies om persoonlik te konsulteer, kan dit doen in hul kantoor - kontak Breathing Space vir die presiese adres. Groepklasse vind plaas in verskeie studiogroepe, afhangende van die grootte van die groep. Kontak hulle vir inligting oor die spesifieke plek.
Om op hoogte te bly van komende geleenthede, besoek gereeld Breathing Spaced se Facebook-bladsy of webwerf.
Tipes Terapie Aangebied
- Arbeidsterapie: 'n holistiese benadering tot die bevordering van 'n kliënt se vermoë om daaglikse roetines en take te voltooi.
- Spelterapie: 'n metode van terapie wat psigologiese probleme van kinders deur middel van spel aanpak.
- Kliniese Hipnoterapie: Benut hipnose om individue te help om moeilike situasies te verstaan, aanvaar en te hanteer
- Oplettendheidsafrigting: Verbeter bewustheid van gedagtes, gevoelens en liggaamlike sensasie.
- Gevorderde Asemhalingsfasiliteerder: vrylating van herinneringe en patrone wat vasgevang is in die liggaam deur middel van bewuste asemhaling.
- Ligte Somatiese Joga: alle ouderdomme en vaardighede is welkom.
Hoe Dit Werk
- Groepsklasse en werkswinkels is beskikbaar vir volwassenes en kinders - besoek die Breathing Space Facebook-bladsy of webwerf vir inligting oor komende werkswinkels.
- Verder bied hulle individuele sessies op versoek aan vir volwassenes en kinders vanaf 6 jaar oud. Hierdie sessies inkorporeer aspekte van liggaamsbeweging, asemhaling, meditasie en oplettendheid.
- Hul programme duur gewoonlik 8 weke en is ontwerp om aan jou behoeftes te voldoen.
- Virtuele konsultasies en korporatiewe programme is ook beskikbaar.
Die Terapeut – Louise Heunis
Louise is 'n geregistreerde Arbeidsterapeut by die HPCSA, met 'n graad van UFS en 20 jaar ondervinding in verslawing, psigiatrie/welstand, en kinders se emosionele probleme. Sy het haar kwalifikasies verder uitgebrei met kursusse in Oplettendheid, Asemhaling, Kliniese Hipnoterapie, Heal Your Life Fasilitering, Traumaterapie, Gevorderde Terapeutiese Speelterapie, Emosionele Intelligensie, Tibettaanse Klankgenesing, en Reiki.
Gedrewe deur haar siening dat elke persoon eie individuele behoeftes het, lê Louise se passie daarin om individue te help om angs en depressie te oorkom en innerlike vreugde te herontdek.
Om jou genesingsreis te begin, kontak Breathing Space vir ‘n gratis 30-min virtuele konsultasie.
Louise Heunis
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.