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Clean Energy Corporation – Solar Panels and Mounting Structures in South Africa

Clean Energy Corporation Solar Panels and Mound Structures Suppliers in South Africa

Clean Energy Corporation – Solar Panels and Mounting Structures Suppliers in South Africa

Makers of solar panel support structures on the ground and providers of solar panels. Clean Energy Corporation assures you that if they don't have it, they'll find it for you.
They've been in the lightweight steel industry for over 15 years and believe they can be a great ally to your company. Additionally, they're constantly exploring fresh ways to support their clients' businesses and ensure their success.

Products and Services
Solar Ground Mounting Systems – Fixed Tilt
• Clean Energy Corporation makes and supplies dependable, high-quality, and affordable lightweight steel structures for ground mounted solar panels in South Africa.
• They employ FRAMECAD software for precise and efficient designs that meet industry standards.
• Their designs undergo engineering testing to ensure durability in African conditions.
• Using AZ150 or Z275 high-quality, lightweight, cold-formed steel with G550 yield strength, they manufacture their structures.
• Beyond manufacturing, Clean Energy Corporation offers the option to install the structures, accelerating project timelines and reducing costs.
• Thanks to the materials and flat pack bundling, they can load more structures than mild steel, cutting down on transport expenses. Additionally, they can export to any country by road or sea.

Solar Panels (and Other Solar Equipment)
• Clean Energy Corporation collaborates with major importers to deliver solar panels and other solar equipment to the green energy market.
• They exclusively work with original manufacturers and don't engage with other suppliers.
• To maintain top-notch quality, they store their stock in clean and secure warehouses.
• They partner with leading brands in the industry, like Trinasolar, LONGISolar, TW SOLAR, JinKOSolar and JASOLAR known for honouring their warranty commitments.



Clean Energy Corporation – Verskaffers van Sonkragpanele en Monteringstrukture in Suid-Afrika
Vervaardigers van sonpaneel steunstrukture op die grond en verskaffers van sonpanele. As hulle dit nie het nie, verseker Clean Energy Corporation jou dat hulle dit vir jou sal vind.
Hulle is al meer as 15 jaar in die ligte staalbedryf en glo hulle kan 'n goeie bondgenoot vir jou maatskappy wees. Daarbenewens ondersoek hulle deurlopend nuwe maniere om hul kliente se besighede te ondersteun en hul sukses te verseker.

Produkte en Dienste
Sonkrag Grondmonteringstrukture
• Clean Energy Corporation maak en verskaf betroubare, hoë kwaliteit, en bekostigbare ligte staalstrukture vir grondgemonteerde sonpanele in Suid-Afrika.
• Hulle gebruik FRAMECAD sagteware vir akkurate en doeltreffende ontwerpe wat aan bedryfsstandaarde voldoen.
• Hul ontwerpe ondergaan ingenieurs-toetse om duursaamheid in Afrika-toestande te verseker.
• Deur AZ150 of Z275 hoë kwaliteit, ligte, koudgevormde staal met G550 breekkrag te gebruik, vervaardig hulle hul strukture.
• Afgesien van vervaardiging, bied Clean Energy Corporation die opsie om die strukture te installeer, wat projektydlyne versnel en kostes verminder.
• Danksy die materiaal en verpakking in plat pakkies, kan hulle meer strukture as sagte staal laai, wat vervoerkoste verminder. Daarbenewens kan hulle na enige land per pad of see uitvoer.

Sonkragpanele (en Ander Sonkragtoerusting)
• Clean Energy Corporation werk saam met belangrike invoerders om sonpanele en ander sonenergie toerusting aan die groenenergiemark te voorsien.
• Hulle werk uitsluitlik saam met oorspronklike vervaardigers en tree nie in verbinding met ander verskaffers nie.
• Om topgehalte te handhaaf, stoor hulle hul voorraad in skoon en veilige pakhuise.
• Hulle vorm vennootskappe met voorste handelsname in die bedryf wat bekend is vir die nakoming van hul waarborgverbintenisse. Dit sluit name in soos Trinasolar en LONGISolar, so ook TW SOLAR, JinKOSolar, en JASOLAR.