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Bookworm Bookshop Stilbaai

Bookworm Book Shop and Coffee Bar

Bookworm Bookshop Still Bay

In need of a second-hand bookstore where you can enjoy a romance novel or murder mystery while drinking coffee, tea or juice? Then Bookworm Bookstore in Still Bay, Hessequa is for you!

Not only is this a bookshop and coffee bar, they also offer book exchange services as well as sell the owner’s handcrafted paintings. Furthermore, they have magazines, DVD’s and a variety of 2nd hand books for sale.

The Bookworm Bookshop is located in the Kothuis Building in Still Bay West and has been in business for over 10 years. Veda, the owner is a local artist and many of her artwork is available for purchase at her book exchange store.

Second-hand books categories/genres available at Bookworm Bookshop:

• Fiction books
• Non-Fiction
• Cooking books
• Gardening books
• Romance Novels
• Murder Mysteries
• Pets
• Classic readings
• Health & Fitness
• DIY guides and books
• Natural Remedies
• Interior Decorations
• Poetry
• Wildlife
• Nature
• Art books
• Children’s books

These pre-owned books are available in English and Afrikaans, with a small series of books in Dutch and German.

This is a 2nd hand exchange bookshop, with some good quality books.

Veda offers very market related prices for her products as well as a 40% credit to anyone who returns a book after reading.

More Information - Bookworm Bookshop in Still Bay

• They only accept cash payment since they don’t have any card facilities available.
• Bookworm Bookstore has a seating area where you can enjoy some light reading, coffee, tea or juice and delicious rusks.
• Veda’s paintings includes products like oil paintings and watercolour paintings. From time to time she paints on sheet music, creating unique and irresistible artwork, go see for yourself!

So, there’s no place better to enjoy a book, coffee or tea as well as good company than Bookworm Bookshop and Coffee Bar in Still Bay.

Bookworm Bookshop and Coffee Bar Business Hours

Monday to Friday – 09:00 – 16:00

Saturday and Sunday – 09:00 – 13:00

Public holidays – 09:00 – 13:00 (except on Christmas Day)

Bookworm Bookshop and Coffee Bar

Veda: 064 660 6311
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Main Road West (Next to Allegaartjie)



Boekwurm Boekwinkel in Stilbaai

Benodig jy 'n tweedehandse boekwinkel waar jy 'n romanse of moordraaisel-boek kan geniet terwyl jy koffie, tee of vrugtesap drink? Dan is Boekwurm Boekwinkel in Stilbaai, Hessequa vir jou!

Nie net is dit 'n boekwinkel en koffiekroeg nie, maar hulle bied ook boekruildienste aan en verkoop die eienaar se handgemaakte skilderye. Verder het hulle tydskrifte, DVD's en 'n verskeidenheid 2de handse boeke te koop.

Die Boekwurm Boekwinkel is in die Kothuisgebou net langs die gewilde Allegaartjie in Stilbaai-Wes geleë en bestaan al meer as 10 jaar. Veda, die eienaar is 'n plaaslike kunstenaar en baie van haar kunswerke is by haar boekruilwinkel te koop.

Tweedehandse boeke kategorieë/genres beskikbaar by Boekwurm Boekwinkel:

• Fiksie
• Nie-Fiksie
• Kookboeke
• Romanse
• Moordraaisels
• Klassieke Boeke
• Gesondheids-en Fiksheid
• Natuurlike Middels
• Binneversierings
• Poësie
• Natuur
• Kuns
• Kinderboeke

Hierdie tweede handse boeke is beskikbaar in Engels en Afrikaans, maar sommige boeke is ook in Nederlands en Duits.

Veda bied baie markverwante pryse aan vir haar produkte sowel as 'n krediet van 40% aan enigiemand wat 'n boek terugbesorg nadat dit gelees is.

Meer inligting - Boekwurm Boekwinkel in Stilbaai

• Hulle aanvaar slegs kontantbetalings aangesien hulle geen kaartfasiliteite beskikbaar het nie.
• Boekwurm Boekwinkel het 'n sitarea waar jy kan ontspa, lees, koffie, tee of sap en heerlike beskuit kan geniet.
• Veda se skilderye sluit produkte soos olieverfskilderye en waterverfskilderye in. Van tyd tot tyd skilder sy op bladmusiek wat unieke en onweerstaanbare kunswerke skep, gaan kyk gerus self!

Bookworm Boekwinkel en Koffiewinkel.

Veda: 064 660 6311

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Stilbaai Wes langs Allegaartjie