Laser4U Slimming & Aesthetics Stilbaai
Laser4U - Slimming and Aesthetics in Still Bay
Permanent hair removal, fat reduction, skin revival and tightening with the help of laser technology. If you interested in one of these services, the Laser4U Beauty Salon in Stilbaai is 4 U! This Laser Technology Beauty Salon operates in Still Bay West, next to the Plattebosch Centre and offer competitive prices.
Laser 4 U has professional, qualified as well as friendly beauty therapists that strive for customer satisfaction. In fact, they invite you to test out their skincare services and modern technology.
Services provided by Laser4U
Their services includes the permanent removal of hair, Liposonix Slimming as well as the repairing of skin (Skin Rejuvenation).
- Permanent Hair Removal in Still Bay
To permanently remove hair typically takes about 30 minutes, sometimes longer, depending on the section you want treated.
Aren’t you tired of constantly needing to shave, wax and tweeze your body? With the help of Laser For You and their permanent hair removal laser technology, you won’t need to anymore! In short, laser treatment permanently removes that unwanted hair on any part of the body, now who doesn’t want that!
They make use of the Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine to remove body hair.
- Liposonix Slimming Treatment at Laser4U
There’s nothing more annoying than unnecessary fat, whether it’s on the arms, legs, face or the biggest culprit of all... the stomach. As a result you start feeling unattractive and depressed, but today we say no more! Laser 4 You offers Liposonix Treatment, the fat removal treatment that makes use of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound. Or more famously known as HIFU Technology.
Liposonix Slimming - A non-surgical treatment used for fat reduction, body sculpting & shaping, body contouring or skin tightening. This treatment does not need any recovery time and is available for all body shapes and sizes.
This treatment usually take up to 30 minutes per session. The cost will be determined when a treatment is chosen and the amount of sessions needed is calculated. All of this depends on how much cellulite you want to lose.
- Skin Rejuvenation Treatment
Usually, this treatment takes up to 30 minutes, but if you have a specific problem you want to focus on it may take longer.
Most people struggle to keep their skin healthy and beautiful, but with Laser4U’s modern technological lasers nothing is impossible. Treat yourself to a Diode Laser Treatment and see your skin improve before your eyes. No more using skin products for temporary relief.
Benefits of a Skin Restoration Treatment includes removing scars, wrinkles, warts as well as blemishes and age spots. Furthermore, providing an even skin tone, removing saggy skins and scars from acne and providing assistance in teenagers’ skin problems.
The Beauty Therapists at Laser4U Slimming and Aesthetics invites you to contact them for any advice regarding any treatments mentioned above.
35 Buitekant Street
Please contact us for an appointment.
Elmarie Grobler – 082 496 2842
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Laser4U - Verslanking en Skoonheid in Stilbaai
Permanente haarverwydering, vetvermindering, velverjonging en verstewiging met behulp van lasertegnologie. As jy belangstel in een van hierdie dienste, is die Laser4U Skoonheidsalon vir jou! Hierdie Lasertegnologie Skoonheidsalon is in Stilbaai-Wes, langs die Plattebosch Sentrum, en bied puik pryse vir hul dienste.
Laser 4 U het professionele, gekwalifiseerde sowel as vriendelike skoonheidsterapeute wat streef na kliëntetevredenheid. Hulle nooi jou uit om hul velversorgingsdienste en moderne tegnologie uit te toets.
Dienste van Laser4U
Hulle dienste sluit in die permanente verwydering van hare, Liposonix Verslanking asook die herstel van die vel.
- Permanente Haarverwydering in Stilbaai
Om hare permanent te verwyder, duur gewoonlik ongeveer 30 minute, soms langer, afhangende van die gedeelte wat jy wil behandel.
Is jy nie moeg daarvoor om jou liggaam gereeld te moet skeer, wax en pluk nie? Met die hulp van Laser For You en hul Permanente Haarverwydering-Lasertegnologie, hoef jy dit nie meer te doen nie! Laserbehandeling verwyder al die hare op enige deel van die liggaam permanent, nou wie wil dit nie hê nie!
Hulle gebruik die Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine om liggaamshare te verwyder.
- Liposonix verslankingsbehandeling by Laser4U
Daar is niks meer ongemaklik as onnodige vet nie. Maak nie saak of dit op die arms, bene, gesig of die grootste sondaar van alles ... die maag is nie. As gevolg hiervan begin ons onaantreklik en depressief voel, maar vandag sê ons nie meer nie! Laser 4 You bied Liposonix Treatment, die vetverwyderingsbehandeling wat gebruik maak van Hoë-intensiteitsgerigte Ultraklank. Of meer bekend as HIFU Tegnologie.
Liposonix Verslanking - 'n Nie-Chirurgiese behandeling wat gebruik word vir die vermindering van vet, liggaamskulptuur en -vorming, liggaamsontwerp of velverstrakking. Hierdie behandeling benodig geen hersteltyd nie en is beskikbaar vir alle liggaamsvorms en -groottes.
Hierdie behandeling duur gewoonlik tot 30 minute per sessie. Die koste word bepaal wanneer 'n behandeling gekies word en die hoeveelheid sessies wat benodig word, word bereken. Dit alles hang af van hoeveel selluliet jy wil verloor.
- Behandeling van Velverjonging
Gewoonlik duur hierdie behandeling tot 30 minute, maar as jy 'n spesifieke probleem het, kan dit langer duur.
Meeste mense sukkel om ‘n gesonde en mooi vel te behou. Maar met Laser4U se moderne tegnologiese lasers is niks onmoontlik nie. Bederf jouself met 'n Diode Laser Behandeling en sien hoe jou vel voor jou oë verbeter.
Die voordele van 'n velherstelbehandeling sluit in die verwydering van littekens, plooie, vratte, letsels en ouderdomsvlekke. Verder voorsien hul 'n egalige velkleur, verwyder sagte velle en littekens van aknee en verleen hulp aan tieners se velprobleme.
Die skoonheidsterapeute van Laser4U Verslanking en Skoonheid nooi jou uit om hulle te kontak rakende enige behandelings wat jy benodig.
35 Buitekant Straat
Kontak ons vir n afspraak.
Elmarie Grobler - 082 496 2842
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