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Stainless Steel Worxshop Still Bay

Stainless Steel Workshop Stilbaai

Stainless Steel Worxshop Still Bay

In the need for a steel manufacturer to design, build, install or provide assistance with any stainless steel products? Look no further, Stainless Steel Worxshop is for you!

For all your stainless steel as well as general steel manufacturing, design and construction.

You can find Stainless Steel Worxshop in the Industrial Area in Still Bay East.

They specialise in a variety of stainless steel products, which is why this steel business is recommended. They are simply one of the best in the Hessequa area. Always striving to provide the best quality product and service to their customers.

Johnny, has over 15 years’ experience in welding and is a certified Red Seal Coated welder.


Stainless Steel Products and Services in Stilbaai

This stainless steel suppliers manufacture and install products like staircases, balustrades, braais, hand railings, bull/roll bars as well as a variety of boat attachments.



All designs of staircases including curved, round, spiral, L and U shaped as well as straight staircases. Before you choose your staircase type, please make sure you know all the advantages as well as disadvantages.

Stainless Steel Worxshop will design, manufacture and install your staircase just as you want it!



Do you have a balcony or staircase without any balustrades? Contact this steel workshop for yours today. Remember to keep the safety of others in mind!

Go stainless steel! If you’re considering balustrades, be sure to make use of stainless steel products because they’re non-corrosive, strong and stylish.



For all the braai enthusiasts, Stainless Steel Worxshop will manufacture a stainless steel braai modified just for you!

If you live along the Garden Route thus close to the ocean a stainless steel braai is a good long lasting choice.

Any type of braai, movable, portable, table top, patio, built-in as well as free standing braais can be made. Not to mention the manufacturing of beautiful stainless steel spit-braais as well as chimneys and weather vanes.


Hand Railings

What is a staircase without a hand railing? Find the railing, balusters and pickets that suit your taste with the help of Still Bay’s local stainless steel workshop.

Stainless steel handrails can be used inside as well as outside.


Bull Bars & Roll Bars

Have a specific picture in mind for your bakkie’s bull bars or roll bars? Visit Stainless Steel Worxshop for assistance and let them create your masterpiece! Not only do they manufacture bullbars & roll bars they also manufacture and install vehicle side and rear steps, guards and bumper protection.


Boat Accessories and Attachments

Stainless Steel Worxshop can do anything steel related, but specialise in stainless steel accessories and attachments for boats. Products for any type of boat can be manufacture, produced and installed.

Their products include anchors, push plates, ski bars, boarding ladders, propellers, fishing rod holders, fighting chairs and much more.

Contact Stainless Steel Worxshop for any custom made products!


More Stainless Steel Worxshop Services – General Steelwork

They also manufacture and install palisade fencing, security bars, main gates as well as carports.

This stainless steel workshop in Still Bay does custom steel work as well. Any steel products you can think of, they can produce. Try them!

Steel tables, trolleys, counters, conveyor belts, extractor fans as well as hammer-mills are only a few products manufactured by this workshop.


Contact Lourens: 082 443 2226

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Stainless Steel Worxshop Stilbaai

Het jy 'n staalvervaardiger nodig om produkte van vlekvrye staal te ontwerp, vervaardig en installeer? Moenie verder soek nie, Stainless Steel Worxshop is die staalwerkswinkel vir jou!

Hierdie staalwerkswinkel werk nie net met vlekvrye staal nie maar vervaardig ook enige produk van algemene staal.

Vind Stainless Steel Worxshop in die nywerheidsgebied in Stilbaai-Oos.


Hulle is die spesialis vlekvrye staalprodukte werkswinkel in Stilbaai en Jongensfontein.

Dit is moeilik om iemand te vind wat effektief met vlekvrye staalprodukte kan werk, en daarom word hierdie staalonderneming aanbeveel. Hulle is eenvoudig een van die bestes in die Hessequa-omgewing. Hulle strewe daarin om die beste kwaliteit produk en diens te lewer. Spog met rooiseël opgeleide personeel met meer as 15 jaar ondervinding.


Produkte en dienste vir vlekvrye staal in Stilbaai

Hierdie vlekvrye staalwerkswinkel lewer produkte soos trappe, balustrades, braaiers, handrelings, bos- en rolbrekers, sowel as n verskeidenheid boot toebehore.



Trappe sluit in geboë, ronde, spiraalvormige, L- en U-vormige sowel as reguit trappe. Voordat jy 'n tipe trap kies, maak seker dat jy al die voor- en nadele saam met hulle nagegaan het.

Stainless Steel Worxshop sal jou trap ontwerp, vervaardig en installeer net soos jy dit wil hê!



Het jy 'n balkon of trap sonder balustrades? Kontak vandag hierdie staalwerkswinkel vir hulp. Onthou om die veiligheid van ander in gedagte te hou!

As jy balustrades oorweeg, maak gebruik van vlekvrye staalprodukte, want dit is roesvry, baie sterk en stylvol.



Vir al die braai-entoesiaste kan Stainless Steel Worxshop 'n vlekvrye staalbraai vervaardig wat spesiaal vir jou aangepas is.

As jy in die Tuinroete woon, het jy 'n vlekvrye staalbraai nodig om roes te voorkom.

Enige tipe braai, draagbare, tafelblad, ingeboude sowel as vrystaande braaie kan gemaak word. Om nie te praat van die pragtige spitbraai van vlekvrye staal wat hulle vervaardig nie, sowel as ook skoorstene en weerhakies.



Trap handrelings. Ontwerp, vervaardig en installeer n verskeidenheid van vlekvrye sowel as algemene staal handrelings. Handrelings van vlekvrye staal kan binne sowel as buite gebruik word.


Voertuig Bosbrekers en Rolbrekers

Het jy 'n spesifieke ontwerp in gedagte vir jou bakkie se bulstawe of rolstawe? Besoek Stainless Steel Worxshop vir hulp en laat hulle jou meesterstuk skep! Hulle bied nie net bul/rolstawe nie, maar ook systawe, sy- en agtertrappe sowel as bumperbeskermers.


Boot Toebehore

Vervaardiging en installering van kwaliteit vlekvrye boot toebehore.


Hulle produkte sluit in ankers, skuifborde, ski-tralies, instap-lere, skroewe, visstokhouers, vegstoele en soveel meer.


Kontak Stainless Steel Worxshop vir meer beskikbare produkte!


Algemene staalwerkswinkel, vervaardiging en installeer dienste.

Hulle vervaardig ook palissadeheinings, staalhekke, veiligheidshekke en diefwering.

Johnny en sy span sal jou hek of palissadeheining bou en installeer.

Algemene staalwerkswinkel in Stilbaai. Enige staalprodukte waaraan jy kan dink, kan vervaardig word. Probeer hulle!

Wasgoedlyne, tafels, waentjies, toonbanke, vervoerbande, hamermeulens ens ens kan deur Stainless Steel Worxshop vervaardig word.

Jou staalprojek is in goeie hande met Stainless Steel Worxshop!

Kontak Lourens: 082 443 2226


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