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IBP Loodgietersdienste - IBP Plumbing Service

IBP Loodgietersdienste - IBP Plumbing Service

IBP Loodgietersdienste - IBP Plumbing Service

Plumber in Stilbaai and Jongensfontein offering a 24/7 plumbing maintenance and repair service. Installing and repairing geysers, finding water leaks and repairing broken pipes and sanitary products. Call him for any drainage or sewage sytem problems. 

Installing complete bathrooms such as toilets, baths and basins. Repair and maintenace of solar heating geysers and solar heating products.


Handling all plumbing system related maintenance, such as burst or leaking pipes, blocked drains, new installations and replacements. Although they are not into construction work, they do the plumbing work involved with renovations. They also take care of the plumbing side of geyser problems. In their own words: ‘if water runs through it, we do it’...


Specialised Services offered by IBP Plumbing Service Still Bay
New Installations and Renovations


  1. Installation of toilets, basins, urinals, baths, spa baths, kitchen sinks, geysers, etc.
  2. Also installation of taps (UK) or faucets (USA) – all types of taps, old and modern, compression, ball, cartridge as well as disc taps.
  3. Also floor mounted, wall mounted, pillar taps (most common), mixer taps, etc.
  4. Shower piping, taps and shower heads.
  5. Remove old toilets, baths, basins, etc. and replace with modern equipment designed for saving of water.
  6. When replacing with new installations they make sure everything is in its right place. They manage all supply lines, reroute existing lines where necessary as well as clear out all debris from any original fittings.


Plumbing Maintenance Stilbaai & Jongensfontein
IBP Plumbing Service also attends to maintenance work such as:

  1. Toilet repairs – flush valves, fill valves, broken handles, water running constantly or intermittently from tank to bowl, leaking toilet outlet pipes, etc.
  2. Tap/Faucet repairs – modern taps are different from older taps and not only work differently, but also break differently. They maintain bathroom taps, kitchen taps, shower taps, laundry taps, garden taps, also mixers. Dripping or slow leaking taps, replace or repair parts of the taps such as washers, o-rings, ceramic discs as well as clean taps especially outdoor taps while fixing leaks, etc.


Geysers Installations and Repairs
For any problems with geysers, electric, solar, gas geysers, these plumbers have the skills and equipment to solve the problem pronto. If your geyser is constantly overflowing, there is a already a problem or a problem is developing. Dripping in the roof is not always because of a leak in the roof. There might be a safety valve or Latco valve problem or also a problem with the thermostat. In areas where water is hard, such as in Still Bay, scaling can cause the heating element of the geyser to trip the electricity.


IBP Loodgietersdiens in Stilbaai en Jongensfontein
Toegewyde, gekwalifiseerde en ervare loodgieters in Stilbaai wat alle loodgieterverwante onderhoud doen. Hulle hanteer gebarste of lekkende pype, geblokte rioolstelsels, nuwe installasies en so ook geyserprobleme. Hulle is geregistreer by die PIRB, hulle pryse is redelik en hulle bied ook ‘n 24/7 nooddiens aan.


Dienste aangebied deur IBP Loodgietersdiens
Nuwe installasies en renovasie van bestaande installasies – nuwe toilette, baddens, wasbakke, borrelbaddens, stortkoppe en so ook krane en geysers. Verwyder ou installasies en vervang met nuwe moderne en waterbesparende installasies, en so meer.
Loodgieterverwante Onderhoud – lekkende toilettebakke en pype en so ook alle soorte lekkende krane in en om die huis.
Verstopte dreine – dit word veroorsaak deur hare, seep en sjampoe aanpaksels, vetterigheid en so ook toiletpapier en ander riool wat aanpak. Hulle het die regte gereedskap, kennis en vaardighede om rioolverstopping vir jou oop te maak.
Lekkende of gabarste pype – Alle waterlekke,  ‘n algemene probleem wat maklik in ‘n nagmerrie kan ontaard. Dit word veroorsaak deur onder vriespunttoestande, ouderdom, misbruik, beskadiging en so ook ‘n foutiewe bepyping. Pype in die muur, onder die vloer of in die dak kan groot skade veroorsaak. Draai dadelik die stopkraan toe en roep IBP Plumbing Service dag of nag om die probleem op te spoor en so gou as moontlik te herstel.
Geysers – as jou gas, elektriese of sonkrag geyser aanhoudend lek of die krag aanhou uitskop, kan dit dui op probleme met ‘n aangepakte element. So ook ‘n foutiewe termostaat, gebarste geyser, veiligheidsklep en die Latco-klep. Kry hierdie loodgieters voor jou probleem dalk vuurwarm op jou kop neerstort.


Loodgieters Nooddiens in Stilbaai
Hulle bied ‘n 24/7 nood-loodgietersdiens diens in Stilbaai en omgewing.


IBP Plumbing Service Still Bay
Alten Roelofse
Cell: 082 385 2823

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For more info , click here IBP Plumbing Services Stilbaai 640