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Dr Karlien van Zyl

Stilbaai Medies Dr Karlien van Zyl

Dr Karlien van Zyl - Stilbaai Medies
Medical Doctor in Stilbaai, dr Karlien van Zyl, specialises in the healthcare of women and children. This experienced medical health practitioner works in a private general practice called Stilbaai Medies in the Fynbos Lifestyle Estate. Her services include emergency medical treatment as well as diagnosis of illnesses and conditions and writing prescriptions for medicine. Dr Karlien believes in preventative care and can offer sound lifestyle advice to patients.Dr Karlien van Zyl and Dr Anita Rautenbach are Family Doctors and Therapists in Stilbaai. There practise are at Stilbaai Medies in the Fynbos Liefstyle Estate. This is just oppisite Carewell Hospital.

Mediese Dokter in Stilbaai, dr Karlien van Zyl, spesialiseer in die gesondheid van vroue en so ook kinders. Hierdie ervare mediese gesondheidspraktisyn werk in 'n privaatpraktyk in die Fynbos Leefstyl Landgoed genaamd Stilbaai Medies. Haar dienste sluit in noodbehandeling, diagnose van siektetoestande, die skryf van voorskrifte vir medisyne, en so meer. Sy glo in voorkomende sorg en kan goeie leefstyladvies aan pasiente bied.



Dr Karlien van Zyl

Dr Anita Rautenbach

Tel: 28 754 1107

Cell: 82 616 0640


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21 Kapokbos Crescent inside the Fynbos Lifestyle Estate.

Opposite the Carewell Hospital

Thys Vissie Street

Stilbaai West.