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Clinic Sister Cato van der Bank

Cato van der Bank Blombos640

Clinic Sister Cato van der Bank in Blombos Pharmacy - Klinieksuster Cato van der Bank Blombos Apteek


Sister Cato van der Bank is a registered trauma nurse in Still Bay, Western Cape. Working from the Blombos Pharmacy in the "Bay Square Mall" in Voortrekker Street, Nurse Cato offers a variety of medical tests and procedures to the residents of Still Bay, Melkhoutfontein and Jongensfontein. She also offers basic health care to her patients, which consists of outpatients and home-bound patients.


Some of the procedures that she administers include the removal of stitches, basic blood tests, health assessments, the administration of injections and so forth. She will also visit patients at their homes if they are unable to visit the pharmacy. Because of her trauma-training she is also the person to call in an emergency situation.


She is also known for her kind bedside manner and always putting her patients’ needs above her own.
Services offered:

• Cholesterol testing and screening (pricking the finger)
• Blood sugar and glucose testing
• Measuring patients’ blood pressure
• Prostate wellness blood test (pricking the finger)
• Administrating injections, including flu shots, vitamin injections, injections as per doctor’s     prescription, etc.
• Wax removal from ears
• Removing stitches
• Cleaning and dressing wounds, including post operational wounds
• Menopausal advice and support
• Sexual wellness advice and support, including advice on birth control
• Support and advice during pregnancy
• BMI (body mass index) testing
• And much more

  • Because Blombos Pharmcay is a Pathcare depot, Nurse Cato can draw your blood and directly send it for screening and diagnosis. This is a great convenience to patients in Still Bay and the surrounding area, who would otherwise have had to drive long distances.

  • Vitality Discovery as well as Momentum members, screening tests are done.
    Suster Cato van der Bank is 'n gerigestreerde trauma verpleegster in Stilbaai, Wes-Kaap. Sy werk in die Blombos Apteek, in die Bayview Mall, 15 Voorterkkers Straat en bied 'n verskeidenheid mediese toetse en prosedures aan. Verder bied sy ook basiese mediese dienste aan vir haar pasiënte. Sy doen ook huisbesoeke indien pasiënte nie na die apteek kan kom nie.
  • Van die prosedures wat sy aanbied sluit in die uithaal van steke, bloedtoetse, wondversorging, ens. Sy kan ook uitgeroep word in noodgevalle en is bekend vir haar vriendelike manier met pasiënte.

Dienste aangebied:

• Bloedsuiker en glukose toetse (vinger word geprik)
• Prostaat bloedtoetse (vinger word geprik)
• Cholesterol toetse
• Meting van bloeddruk
• Griepinspuitings, voorgeskrewe inspuitings, vitamieninspuitings en so meer
• Skoonmaak van ore deur was te verwyder
• Wond skoonmaak en –versorging, insluitend na-operatiewe versorging
• Die uithaal van steke
• Menopousale advise en ondersteuning
• Seksuële gesondheids advise en raad, insluitende raad oor voorbehoedmiddels
• Ondersteuning en raad gedurende swangerskap
• BMI (body mass index) toetsing
• En vele meer


  • Blombos Apteek is 'n Pathcare depot en dus kan Suster Cato bloedtoetse direk na Pathcare wegstuur. Hierdie maak die proses van diagnoseëring aansienlik makliker en geriefliker vir pasiënte.

  • Vitality Discovery Health sowel as Momentum lede "screening" toetse word ook gedoen.


Support Services by the Registered Nurse at Blombos Pharmacy
As a registered nurse, Sister Van der Bank offers guidance on health maintenance as well as prevention of disease. She can also advise on birth control methods as well as how to take care of yourself during pregnancy and after. Furthermore she offers menopausal advice and support. Being an experienced professional nurse, she is able to do a general examination and assess a patient’s health condition.


Vitality Members of Discovery Health
Vitality members at Discovery Health has the benefit that the medical aid do pay for a series of tests to be done. Screening and prevention benefits cover vital tests to detect early warning signs of serious illness. These tests include glucose/blood sugar tests, voluntary HIV tests, cholesterol tests as well a BMI tests. BMI is the acronym for Body Mass Index which measures body fat based on height and weight and is used to determine if you are a healthy weight.


Pathcare Depot
Blombos Pharmacy is also a Pathcare depot. Pathcare is a well-known pathology practice offering and extensive range of screening and diagnostic tests. Sister Van der Bank can thus draw your blood and send it off directly to Pathcare for testing.


Cato van der Bank
15B Voortrekker Street



Tel: 028 754 1057

028 754 1125

Fax: 028 754 1209