Cottonfields Clothing & Acc Stilbaai
Cottonfields Clothing & Accessories in Still Bay - Cottonfields Klerewinkel Stilbaai
Hierdie damesklerewinkel hou klere van alle groottes en vir alle ouderdomme. Hulle stylvolle uitrustings word smaakvol uitgestal. Hier sal jy tops, rompe, rokke, langbroeke asook driekwartbroeke kry. So ook spanbroeke, baadjies, jasse, poncho’s en ander warm klere afhangende van die seisoen. En natuurlik hou hulle ook swemklere, sonhoede en ander stranddrag aan, want Stilbaai is mos by die see!
Verder verkoop hulle sandale, skoene, en tekkies asook handsakke en kostuumjuwele soos houtkrale en oorbelle. So ook Ascot gesigpoeier, ooggrimering an naellak.
Daar is ook glasware en pottebakkersitems, geskenke en ‘n klompie verskillende klein artikels.
A women’s clothing and accessories shop in the heart of Still Bay. ‘n Vroueklere en bybehorewinkel in die hartjie van Stilbaai.
Cottonfields Still Bay trades in essence in ladies-ware of all ages and all sizes. Their modern stylish outfits are tastefully displayed inviting you to try them on and, of course buy them. You will find tops, skirts, dresses as well as long pants and pedal pushers. Also tights, jackets, coats, ponchos as well as other warm clothes depending on the season at hand. They will not be a coastal town shop without a variety of swimming suits and other beach-accessories such as sun hats and wraps.
In addition they sell handbags such as Mongoose and sandals, shoes, Tommy shoes and takkies. And of course they have costume jewellery and wooden beads for the ears, neck and arm. No lady is fully dressed without their Ascot make-up, eye shadow and nail polish.
Furthermore you will find some glassware and pottery items, as well as gifts and miscellaneous items such as the odd baby toy.
In Still Bay in the Hessequa area in the Western Cape.
Tel: 028 754 3211
167 Main Road West
Still Bay