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DJ van Tonder Bouers - DJ van Tonder Builders

DJ van Tonder Seuns Boukontrakteurs

DJ van Tonder Bouers - Dj van Tonder Builders in Jongensfontein en Stilbaai
Boukonstruksie van woonhuise sowel as ander geboue. Hoogstaande diens en bouwerk van die hoogste gehalte. Sprekende voorbeelde van hierdie span se werk is oral in Jongensfontein en Stilbaai te siene.


Die bou van nuwe huise, enige aanbouings of restourasie van ‘n bestaande plek, is ‘n gekompliseerde besigheid. Die persoon wat dit aanpak moet kennis dra van verskillende dinge soos argitektoniese ontwerp, bouriglyne en kodes, soneringsregulasies en so ook ander basiese element van konstruksie. Baie min van ons beskik wel oor al hierdie vaardighede, so laat DJ Van Tonder & Seuns Boukontrakteurs jou bouprojek vir jou behartig. Hulle sal sorg dat jou huis op tyd en binne die begroting klaar is en so ook aan alle regulasies voldoen.


Hierdie span bouers in Stilbaai sal sorg vir elke klein besonderheid van jou huis, soos die lê van die fondamente, pleisterwerk, verfwerk, klipwerk en hang van deure. Enige aanbouings, plaveisel of teëlwerk. Hulle werk saam met ander kontrakteurs om seker te maak metdie elektriese bedrading, bepyping en installering van die dreinstelsel en ander loodgieterswerk. Verder sal hulle die ingeboude kaste installeer en so ook die geyser of solar geyser en sonpanele. Ook die bevloering, matte of teëls, die plafonne en dakwerk, geute, plaveisel en so ook die installering van die garagedeur en reënwatertenk.


Wat jy ookal gedoen wil hê, kontak DJ van Tonder vir ‘n kommervrye ondervinding.


DJ van Tonder & Seuns Boukontrakteurs – DJ van Tonder & Sons Building Contractors, NHBRC Registered
Building construction of residential as well as non-residential buildings. In Jongensfontein near Still Bay in the Western Cape along the ever so popular Garden Route. Offering outstanding service as well as end-products of the highest quality.


About DJ van Tonder & Seuns Boukontrakteurs – DJ van Tonder & Sons Building Contractors (NHBRC Registered Builders in Still Bay)
This business has been handed to the eldest son for four generations already. Properly qualified and highly experienced Gerdus entered the building industry full-time in 1993. Currently he provides 50 people with jobs. His team’s handiwork can be seen all over Jongensfontein and Still Bay as silent witnesses of DJ van Tonder & Sons Building Contractors exemplary building abilities.


Building a new house, or renovating an old building, is in short a complicated process.He has a team that does stone cladding, paving, tiling, painting and any building alterations.  It involves knowledge of architectural design, building codes, zoning regulations as well as basic construction elements. A large number of new house owners do not have the first idea of all the different aspects involved in the process of building a house.


Services by DJ van Tonder & Seuns Boukontrakteurs – DJ van Tonder & Sons Building Contractors
DJ van Tonder will organise and manage every single aspect of building your house. They will take responsibility for completing your project on time and within the budget. These building contractors will also fill out the necessary paperwork as well as make sure the building adheres to all local, regional and national guidelines.

This team of builders will take care of every little detail of your house such as laying the foundation, plastering and painting and hanging the doors. They work with other contractors for the electric wiring as well as the laying of drains and other plumbing work. In addition they will install the built-in cupboards, electrical appliances such as the geyser or solar geyser. Furthermore they will do the flooring, roofing, guttering, paving as well as installing the garage door and rain water tanks.

Whatever you need done, contact DJ van Tonder for a stress-free experience.


Gerdus van Tonder

NHBRC Geregistreerde Bouers in Stilbaai, Jongensfontein

Tel: 028 754 1678

Cell: 082 771 9367

Fax: 028 754 3923

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For more info please visit their Website, click here. DJ van Tonder Seuns Boukontrakteurs