BHT Glass and Aluminium
BHT Glass and Aluminium Eden in Riversdale
BHT Glass and Aluminium Eden contractors is situated in Riversdale, Hessequa area. The install and manufacture different aluminium products, such as doors, windows, frameless showers, balustrades and many more. Only top quality aluminium is used to ensure excellent products and services. Aluminium and Glass products and services are also customised to each client’s specifications.
BHT Glass & Aluminium prides itself on professional quality service at competitive prices, striving to always end up with satisfied customers.
They are reliable and a pleasure to work with. BHT Glass and Aluminium also assist and advice any customer on their products.
They offer their services throughout the Hessequa region – all the way from Mossel Bay to the Klein Karoo and the Overberg. Towns all through this area boasts their work, including Gouritsmond, Still Bay, Slangrivier, Witsand, Riversdale, Heidelberg, etc.
As can be expected, BHT Glass & Aluminium is a registered member of AAAMSA (Association of Architectural Aluminium Manufacturers of South Africa). After having completed a job, they issue a certificate from SAGGA (South Africa Glass and Glazing Association).
Call them for a free quote today!
BHT Glass and Aluminium Eden – Services
This specialized company manufactures, supplies and installs differing products and services to a diverse market.
• Residential buildings:
o Aluminium windows and doors are supplied, assembled and fitted
o Custom framed and frameless showers
o Various different types of doors – hinge doors, sliding doors, stacked doors, folding doors and pivot doors
o There is a wide variety of window shapes, including oblong, square, round dome-shaped, triangular, and many more.
o Different types of glass can be requested, such as tinted glass, clear glass frosted glass, bullet-proof glass and double glazed glass.
• Commercial buildings:
o Contemporary sophisticated look
o Aluminium and glass handrails, shop-fronts, glass balustrades and glass sliding doors
• Restoring worn balustrades, aluminium doors and windows
• Replacing wooden door frames, doors, window frames, etc.
• Offering maintenance to glass and aluminium products
BHT Glas en Aluminium Eden in Riversdal
BHT Glas en Aluminium Eden het top opgeleide kontrakteurs wat wonders kan doen met glas en aluminium. Van woonhuise to kommersiële geboue is geen taak te groot nie! Hulle vervaardig, verskaf en installeer verskeie glas en aluminium produkte, insluitende raamlose storte, aliminium vensters, deure en vele meer. Slegs topgehalte kwaliteit glas en aluminium word gebruik om produkte van uitstekende gehalte te waarborg.
Indien jy kom inloer kan jy vriendelike en profesionele diens teen billike pryse verwag. Hulle bied aan gratis kwotasies en voltooi projekte binne die begroting en die afgespreekde tydsperiode. Hulle is gerigestreerd by AAAMSA en sodra 'n projek voltooi is reik hulle 'n SAGGA Sertifikaat uit.
BHT Glas & Aluminium verskaf dienste vanaf Mosselbaai, deur Hessequa tot en met die Klein Karoo en Overberg area. Maak nie saak waar jy is nie, hulle is hier om te help. Heidelberg, Stilbaai, Gouritsmond, Witsand, Albertinia, Mosselbaai en Witsand is maar net van die dorpe waar hulle werk gesien kan word.
BHT Glas en Aluminium Eden dienste:
• Nuwe woonhuise
o Raamlose storte, deure, vensters, balustrades en vele meer
o Verskillende tiepes deure, insluitend voudeure, draaideure, handeure, glydeure en voudeure
o Vensters in kan gemaak word in elke vorm – driehoeking, vierkantig, rond, langwerpig, koepolvormig en vele meer
o Verskillende soorte glas word ook gebruik, ondermeer getinte glas, gewone ruitglas, koeëlvaste glas, dubbleglansering en matglas
• Nuwe besigheidsgeboue
o Reuse aluminium dakke en glas produkte gee 'n besigheid 'n gesofistikeerde en kontemporêre voorkoms
• Bestaande aluminium en glas deure of vensters word onderhou en restorer
• Enige aluminium en glas produkte word deur BHT onderhou
• Hout- deure, vensterrame, ens kan vervang word
Kontak vandag vir 'n gratis kwotasie!
Josef Botes
Cell: 081 270 5282
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