JMK-J Marais Konstruksie
JMK .J Marais Konstruksie Buildingcontractor and masterbuilder does Restorations, Builder of new Houses and Special Projects, Shopping Centres, Bussiness Buildings and Developements )
JMK Konstruksie / Construction , Boukontrakteur of Meesterbouer ook Aanbouings, Verfwerk, Plaveisel, Bou van Winkels, Kantoorgeboue en Spesiale Bouwerk en Ontwikkeling )
Stilbaai and Hessequa area
Kobus Marais Boukontrakteur in Stilbaai
Tel: 028 754 1605
Cell: 082 771 8624
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.